Store closes on March 25

Store closes on March 25

About the League


The League was founded in 1959 to foster theatrical productions produced in Off-Broadway theatres, to assist in the voluntary exchange of information among its members, and to serve as the collective voice of its membership in pursuit of these goals.

Any person or business entity engaged as an Off-Broadway theatre owner or operator, theatre manager, or producer or manager of a production in an Off-Broadway theatre (76-499 seats) may apply for membership. Members are obligated to abide by the collective bargaining agreements currently in place with AEA, SDC and USA. 

To learn more about member benefits, dues and how to join, click here

The League's annual season begins on April 1st and ends on March 31st.


Statement of Solidarity and Commitment to

The Off-Broadway League is committed to doing the work required to become a more equitable, just and inclusive organization. We affirm that Black Lives Matter and we join the calls to stand against anti-Blackness and to stop AAPI Hate and racial injustice in all its forms. We acknowledge that our organization is composed of predominantly white individuals and leaders, and that most of our members serve predominantly white institutions, which don’t accurately reflect or represent the broader Off-Broadway theater community, or our home city of NYC.

It takes energy, time, and resources to dismantle the cycles and systems that reinforce and support racism, oppression, violence and injustice, and we invite all of our members and stakeholders to partner with us to create a more inclusive, more equitable, more accessible, and anti-racist industry. We may make mistakes in the process, but we must use our power and our privilege to make our organization and the industry more equitable.